26 July 2010


i'm pretending
to be the best ever
who will always on the top

i'm pretending
to be the cheeriest ever
who have no worry in life

i'm pretending 
to be the coolest ever
who accept whatever people do

i'm pretending 
to be the simplest ever
who follow the flow

i'm pretending 
to be the most clever ever
who knew everything

i'm pretending 
to be the richest ever
who have everything in life

i'm pretending
to be the strongest ever
who have extraordinary power than other

whatever it is..since you are pretending..you are NOTHING!!

keep on pretending to be nothing dude..

if u wanna be
what u wanna be
be what u wanna be
and u will be
what u wanna be

sharing is caring!! ^_^

2 let me know:

Ella Sabri said...

i like this!b p mek x phm lak. haha

I help U said...

:) pretending = berpura2...stakat berpura2...u xde pape pon...thats y ..if pretending..u r nothing..

stop pretending but try to BE the 1 u wanna be..

get it simple..